
Peter DiStefano


               In class this week we spent a significant amount of time talking about family and siblings. For me these people mean the world. I grew up unlike most other kids, I had family all around me. Not just in my house but my entire street that consists of around 10 houses, are filled with some sort of relative on my dads side of the family. My grandparents live directly across the street. To the right is one of my uncles and another that lives on the left. All the others are cousins. My uncles are very close to me and my cousins are like siblings. It was impossible to avoid aunts, uncles, grandparents because almost every day people came over to eat dinner, come in the pool or simply just to talk. My dads parents are 100% Italian and my moms are mostly Irish. Growing up in a huge Italian neighborhood was a unique experience that caused me to have some really fun times with my family that I will never forget. Some take family for granted and some don't get to see theirs. However, I couldn't survive without the people who make up my family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter,
    It sounds like you had a very unique experience with your family. Although mine is nowhere as close as yours, I understand the importance of family cause my whole life we spent every weekend at my Nana's house. I love going to my Nana's house and if we ever didnt go one weekend I always felt sad. It would've been really cool to have my Nana live across the street from me too.
