
Blog #3

In this week’s reading of braiding sweetgrass we talked about the windigo Footprint. Which Kimmerer defines as “ A human whose selfishness has overpowered their self-control to the point that satisfaction no longer is possible”(pg 306). In addition she explains how we live in an era of Windigo. I agree. We have more than we need and take more than we need. Money is definitely one that our society struggles with the most. When it comes to money people become greedy and selfish. Money could turn one into a monster. I know everyones has heard of the saying “money is the root of all evil”. Which speaks truth to this generation. Everyone has to have the latest trend no matter the price. People have true “passions” in spending money, that's why one can never have enough. Spending money has became so normalized to this generation everything is all about supply and demand. A necessity that people will go crazy or even to extreme measures to access. Money is the heart of violence.

The lesson that is taught in this chapter is vital and relevant to the present day life. It is important to recognize self control and when it is lost. The windigo footprint story was told to scare children into safe behavior, preventing the increase in monsters. But in our era of  windigo stories that are told influences and accepts the monsters. We do not recognize the lost of self control, we mistake it for our passions. They say history repeats itself , maybe one day the stories being told would have the same effect.

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