
blog 3

Sarah Kelley

This week in class each group looked up different issues going on in the world with the environment. For me I thought that the Keystone pipeline was interesting because I remember seeing this issue on the news over the summer. The problem was that the pipe goes through native land and that was not okay. I looked more into this topic and found out that the pipeline actually goes through land that can harm native habit, animal and plants in South Dakota, Montana and Nebraska. It also goes 875-mile through the great plains. The problem with this is if there's a leak in the pipe, animals, plants and land can be damaged as soon as it starts leaking. There has already been two oil spills, but according to the company they found and stopped it within 15 minutes. Even in those 15 minutes animals and plants can be badly damaged from an oil spill.


  1. When I was researching this topic also, it only showed me the benefits of the pipeline, so seeing that it is doing harm to native land is an issue. A pipeline going through plants and animals homes could lead to worse issues, and although the benefits are a good plus, potentially ruining plant and animals home is not ok.

  2. I like how you didn't just only look at the benefits and good side of the pipelines, but also the harm that they cause. That's for sharing
