
What We Can Learn From Vegetables

Meghan Ruginski
ENGL 102-037
Prof. Santos
February 2, 2018
Blog Post #2
What We Can Learn From Vegetables
One thing that really interested me this week was the chapter called “The Three Sisters” in the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The chapter is about the so called three vegetable sisters which are beans, corn, and squash. Kimmerer talks about how all of them grow in harmony, even though they all grow in different ways and times, they still support each other. She also describes how she used to teach a general botany class, and all of her students were bored until they went outside and actually witnessed how they grow. It is said that just these three vegetables can nutritionally support a person, which is pretty cool. I believe that looking at the way these grow can teach an important life lesson.

The plants can show us that we get more out of life when we support each other, instead of tearing each other down. The beans grow large leaves to protect the other two, and then they grow next to each other. In a group of friends or in a family, it should be the same way. There is always one that protects the others, and they all try and help the others do the best that they can. The plants could just compete with each other for the most space or the most resources, but they don’t. This isn’t the way that we should live our lives either, and to be more successful we should always be there for each other.


  1. I like how you compared the vegetables growing to the life lesson that people can learn. I agree with your comparison.

  2. I also liked the way Kimmerer explained how the "three sisters" used each other to grow and form their full potential
