
Blog Post 2

Alyssa Bearse
Melissa Santos
English 102
2 February 2018
Blog Post #2

This week in English, one of the readings that stuck out to me was “The Three Sisters” chapter from the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer. The three sisters the book refers to consist of corn, squash and beans. The way Kimmerer describes the sisters you would think they are people which I found interesting. When she says, “Pumpkin and squash take their time—they are the slow sister,” you can tell the style of writing she is going for (Page 130). Describing them as people instead of objects is an interesting technique. I like this style of writing better because it makes it gives more detail and is more interesting to read. Also, when Kimmerer says. “You can tell they are sisters, one twines easily around the other in relaxed embrace while the sweet baby sister lolls at their feet, close, but not too close—cooperating not competing,” as a reader it makes me believe how well the plants work with each other (Page 132). By the author creating a role of plants being sisters, it makes the reading let you imagine how the plants are growing as sisters. Without this was a good writing technique and it makes the book easier to read.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alyssa,
    I also like how the author describes the plants as people. This helped me compare and think about my own siblings while reading this, because I wasn't thinking about vegetables, I was thinking about people.
