
Blog Post #2: Olivia Nordman

Blog Post #2

        In "The Three Sisters" the major message how these three plants had benefits on their own, but when grown, eaten, and appreciated together it made their bond that much stronger. If I had to describe one part of myself, it would be how important friendship is to me. Growing up I had always had that one group of friends that would be there for me unconditionally. Figuring out who was really there for me, and vise versa has been one of the biggest learning lessons in my lifetime. As I finish out my freshman year of college I can definitely say I know exactly the people that are there for me, and the ones who are not. 
        All of high school I stuck with my group which made the time fly because of all the fun we had and still have together. People have come in and out of this specific friend group which has really shown each and every one of us how the ones 'left standing' mean to each other. In the story of The Three Sisters she mentions how each plants needs their own time and pace to grow which I can connect to my friends and I. Some of these girls have been by my side since Kindergarten, third grade, and even the ones I met freshman year, I have been through thick and thin with. I don't like speaking for others, but I can definitely say that each of us have been through hard, groundbreaking events in each of our lives. Every single time I felt like my world was ending or I was just having a bad day, there was always one of them that helped me get through it.
       Robin Wall Kimmerer mentioned in the book how, "The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world. Individuality is cherished and nurtured, because, in order for the whole to flourish, each of us has to be strong in who we are and carry our gifts..." (Kimmerer 134). Every singe one of these girls are special in their own way. Olivia has shown me the beauty in being myself and at the end of the day to not care what people think about me. Jordan has taught me that hard work and dedication (in and out of the gym) will pay off if you really want it. Courtney has taught me how to see the world in different ways. Her artsy characteristic has definitely rubbed off on me over the years. Lastly, Jackie has shown me how to appreciate the little things like waking up at 6am to drive 45 minutes down Cape to see the sunrise over the ocean. Being so close to so many different, beautiful souls has definitely shaped me into the person I am today.
       I could go on and on about how every good part of me has been in some way shaped positively by these girls, but to sum it up, they have taught me lessons about myself that I could not have learned anywhere else, from anyone else. The part in the story where she explains growing these plants together feeds much more than if they were to grow on their own. This is my outlook on my relationship with my best friends, we grow best when we are together. 


  1. Olivia made good connections to the story and related it to a personal experience, good work.

  2. Hi Olivia,
    I enjoyed reading your blog because it reminded me of my current group of friends, which like The Three Sisters, help each other out.
