
Blog 2

Matthew Finn
Professor Santos

Blog Post 2

                     The reading that stuck out in my mind this week was the chapter "The Three Sisters".
I found it interesting how the three ingredients of squash, corn, and beans representing each of the sisters. It was said that if you ate these you would have great health in the future. I see this as each one of the sisters helps the other, they rely on each other. Everyone needs somebody to have their backs today, and it helps knowing you can turn to someone in time of trouble. For me, this would be my friends from back home. I've had the same group of friends since the 6th grade and we have been through a lot, especially in the last year. It was the end of May 2017, prom was here and graduation was just a few days away. It was a happy time, or so I thought, I never expected the following few weeks to go as they did. It was June 3rd, my senior class packed into the sweaty gym, rehearsing where we would walk and sit the following morning. An hour or so in, a group of girls ran out of the gym crying. Nobody knew what happened, and we continued to rehearse. As rumors started to fill the room, all I heard was car crash. The two people involved were a girl that was in my grade and a boy that graduated the year before me. His name was Logan, and he was a good friend of mine even though he was relatively new to my school. I had a class with Logan and befriended him the year before and I'm glad I got the time I did with him. My friends did not know Logan and never got to hear one of his jokes or see his smile light up a room. My friends were able to get me through the funerals, and I can't thank them enough for that. Those two weeks of terror did not end, two other people that had touched my life were gone. My friends brother, only 23 had a heart attack on a basketball court, not 5 minutes from my house. A few weeks prior to this, a kid who I went to middle school with was gunned down by his roomate in Florida. His name was Andrew, and his roomate was apart of a neo-nazi group planning a terrorist attack at his school. I learned a lot about myself during this time, and I learned that friendship is important in the best of times and the worst of times. Having  relationships helps get you through the bad times and enjoy the good ones.


  1. I really connected with your post because I wrote about my group of friends from back home as well and how much they have impacted my life, just like yours did for you. It is sad how these terrifying events bring people together, but I agree that it is very important to have friends that are with you through thick or thin.

  2. I like how you connected this to your friends from home becuse im also very close with my friends from home and it is nice knowing you have people that have your back always.

  3. Let me start by saying, I am so sorry for your losses and no one should experience what you did.
    I did like how you made connections between your friendships in your life and The Three Sisters.
