
Matthew Finn
Blog Post 1
Professor Santos
ENG 102

                 This week in class we discussed the first few chapters of our book Braiding Sweet Grass.
 A book about the Pueblo People and their early days figuring out survival. The book is through the eyes of a woman who tells her story through nature. I think the major thing we talked about in class was how important the land was to the people that lived on it. The relationship between nature and man should be a sacred one. Nature is a truly beautiful thing, and it won't be around forever so it is important to treat it carefully and with respect. In the book, the author talks about how the land meant so much to them and they were grateful for it. They were able to coexist with nature and thrive off the land but still honor it. I have seen volcanoes, rain forests, mountain ranges, and open fields in Italy. I see that nature is special and something worth preserving, and I think that the author is showing us that we should be treating the earth carefully. Pollution and overcrowding are two things that are continually destroying the earth and nature. The book is trying to teach a lesson by showing the benefits of nature and the important of maintaining it. My parents have always taught me to clean up trash and treat the world with respect because it will reward you. When I was stuck raking leaves and shoveling snow I wasn't too happy with the world. Come Spring, the flowers bloom and my moms fresh vegetables have grown. Tasting the fresh basil in my mom's pesto is reason enough to listen and do my part to keep the world clean. I think if people weren't so lazy, everyone could help make the world a cleaner, safer place. The book shows that if you treat nature how you should it will return the favor. We would be nothing without the ground we live on, so it's important to make sure the ground is happy.


  1. I totally agree with you that if we weren't so lazy, we would make the world a living better place, and I like how you connected the book with how your mom always told you to clean up. It shows that you care about nature.

  2. You are right, nature will not be here forever. Everyone needs to make a conscious effort to make Earth a better place.
