
Braiding Sweetgrass Evaluation

Emily Vasconcelos

ENG 102-037

Professor Santos

12 February 2018
Book Review of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

       Robin Wall Kimmerer takes her passion as an nature lover and profession as a botanist to write

about Earth's gifts to humans, how humans have taken advantage of Earth's resources, and how we

can help bring Earth "back to life".  Kimmerer opens in an unusual way. The opening chapter is a

Native American creation story about Skywomen. This chapter is a great introduction to, not only to

understand how Native Americans are passionate about nature, but as well as learning Native

American culture. Some readers may ask: why is Kimmerer writing how Native Americans treat

their lands? What is her connection?. Kimmerer uses her Citizen Potawatomi Nation membership as

a platform for plants and animals are our "oldest teachers" of life. By using her Potawatomi

background and knowledge as a botanist, she able to combine these two topics into one major theme:

treat Earth as a person, not as an "it".

       Kimmerer spends some time writing about the notion on the word "it". "It" represents an object

with maybe nothing of value or meaning. Some people maybe guilty of calling Earth "it" instead of

"she". Kimmerer explains well of how, if people were to call Earth "she" and not "it', then maybe

Earth and humans would not have such a strained relationship. This part of the book's central theme

is such a strength because it truly does make the reader of how people in general of treated Earth, but

also, how the reader themselves have treated Earth over the years.

       Of course one way humans have been taking advantage of Earth is draining her resources.

Kimmerer explains a different type of exploitation: the loosing of reciprocity. Reciprocity, in the

book, means the act of giving a gift with true value, love, and meaning. This is another important

theme in the book because people have become numb to truly appreciate what anyone gives you, not

just Earth herself.

       What we can do to help Earth is to simply slow down the usage of food, water, air, oil resources

we are using.

       This book will make you think about your own actions. When I read this book, I thought about

my actions and how it effected negatively or positively. This is a book for someone how wants to

learn about Earth's environment and the human effects to her. Readers will have to take their time to

fully understand the book, not just on concept, but on the bigger picture, which is, Earth is our only,

so we have to protect her.

1 comment:

  1. I like your analysis of this book. The book has opened my eyes up to the world around us, how we affect her and how she affects us. We are part of this world no matter what people think, we are not superior to any being that lives on this Earth, since we do all live on her land together.
