
Appreciate the World

Karine Irihose
Professor Santos
English 102-042

26 January 2018

For this past week, the three essays that we have read, Silko, The Gift of Strawberries, and An Offering, they all kind of focus on the same topic that people don’t appreciate the World and what it gives to us as we should. In “Silko”, the author talks about how we are always complaining and finding ways to keep taking more from the earth. That we are never satisfied with what the world gives to us. In “The Gift of Strawberries,” the author, Kimmerer, talks about how strawberries to her was  a gift from the World and she explained what a gift was and “The Gift of Strawberries” is like a specific example of how the World keep giving us gifts that we did not ask for. And lastly, therecome “An Offering” where Kimmerer talks about how her parents used to give thanks to the World, like her mother taught them to “leave the world a better place than you found it”, and her father used to give thanks to the world by puring coffee in the sand before he drank any of it, and this connect to the other as showing also a specific example of how we should appreciate and give thanks to the world for all that it gives to us.

All of this kind of connect to this article “Fresh Water” by Barbara Kingsolver we resently read in my Chemistry First Year Seminar class, where the author talks about how water is important to human body. And how people don’t appreciate water and what it does for us. I liked the quote where she said that “We are not important to water. It’s the other way around. Our task is to work out reasonable ways to survive inside its boundaries.” I loved this quote because it is true. Water doesn’t really need us, it’s the other way around, which is mostly the same as for the world. The world doesn’t really need us, it is us that need the world, and it’s our job to figure out a way to live around it, and to figure ways to survive with what it gives to us.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading what you share and I can tell that u really care about the world that u live in and that is great. most people don't really see what the world has to offer us and so we should open up our eyes and start "saying thanks" for what we have in our lives. Thank you for sharing!
