
DAPL and Standing Rock

I wanted to talk about the Standing Rock video that was shown in class. How would you feel if someone just totally disregarded your feelings; tore up your lawn and bulldozed your house? You probably will be a little upset which is completely justifiable because nobody has the right, other than yourself, to destroy your property. How come it's completely okay for Dakota Access to go along and destroy something that isn't there's? In this case, money is more valuable than respecting an entire culture and the historical/sacred lands tied along to it.

In the video, what really struck me was when this mother was talking about how the pipeline would be laid across a piece of land her son is buried; I think that's pretty appropriate grounds for someone to be upset at Dakota Access, LLC. Personally, I'd be livid. I wouldn't want to witness machinery digging up any child's body because someone is itching to be richer. It's not okay.

It's also not okay that the people of Standing Rock are being pepper sprayed or assaulted in any manner for defending their homeland and sacred grounds... key words: "their homeland". The Sioux Tribe were at Standing Rock first and people can't seem respect that.

Someone earlier related this situation to the quote about, "washing one's hands of the conflict between the powerful and the powerless means to side with the powerful, not be neutral." If more people around the country don't step up and continue to "wash their hands", these people are going to lose their history, their homes, and possibly loved one's that have past who've been rightfully buried on the lands. We should be helping each other because we are all brothers and sisters (common ancestry) and should treat each other as such. Day by day, the "powerful" are becoming more powerful; we know how terrible this is, but we need to convince the people supporting the pipeline of it. 

In regards to the environment's health, contributing to the Earth's ongoing destruction more isn't cool; we only have one Earth and we aren't entitled to decimate it. It's bad enough that our climate is changing, do we really need to risk blowing a pipeline under the Mississippi River? Imagine how catastrophic that would be. 

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