
Connection To Nature

        After the discussion in class today about all of our connections with nature, it made me realize that our Earth is a precious and it needs to be cherished. Everyone has their own connection with nature, whether it be sitting on a beach, hiking, skiing, camping or even something as simple as listening to the rain to fall asleep. It was very nice listening to everyone else outlook on nature. There were many different kinds of connections with nature that we might have never even thought about doing ourselves. For example, in our class we discussed about going camping and now it is something I would want to do with my friends one day this summer. Another example is going skiing, I would love to try skiing even though I would probably never be able to get past the bunny slope. 
      Nature allows you to connect with your friends and family on a different level rather than at home with all of the technology. Instead of always being on your phone, go for a hike, or go camping, or even go to the beach and talk. We need to appreciate our Earth and all the beautiful things it has to offer. The stories talked about in class today opened my eyes about how we need to take care of our Earth because if we do not, no one will ever get to experience half the things we get to on every day bases. 


  1. You mentioned in your blog that people should get off of their phones and go experience nature for themselves, and I completely agree. But, I think that with all of the technology at our disposal people have a new way to experience nature that has never been possible throughout human history. All the different mediums of social media have opened the doors to a whole new kind of travel that allow people to see places that interest them at the push of a button. I myself, have used social media excessively to find fun new places to visit, both around Massachusetts, and all over the world. I know that I wouldn't have been able to find more than half of those places without the aid of modern technology.

  2. Kalyn, I agree with you completely. Earth is precious and I think a lot of humans take it for granted. I also enjoyed hearing everyone’s connection to nature. Some of the things made me remember that I enjoyed doing those things as a kid, or want to do them. I agree with what you are saying about the technology, a lot of people do not take in what they are doing in nature because they are always staring at their phones, it is nice to put those things away for a little and enjoy what and who is around you.

  3. I agree with what you said saying that we should do more things outside of a house that doesn't involve us being on our phones. I would also love to try to ski but I don't think ill get passed the bunny slopes too. I thought its been one of the best classes so far because we just told our stories and got to know each other more. At the same time it made us realize how you can have such a close relationship with nature and make some great memories. I also love to fall asleep to the rain noise thats why when it rains in my dorm room my roommate and I turn off all the lights and tv and fall asleep to the rain noise in the dark.

  4. I think you are right when you say that we need to go out and appreciate nature a bit more, and go out as much as we can. Our world is not going to stay the same forever the way we are treating it. Going outside can benefit you in many ways it relaxes you, it is healthier than just bring indoors and being on your phone twenty four seven.

  5. When you mention that we should all get off our phones and enjoy the nature around us is something i completely agree with. And I too would like to try skiing one day but I doubt I'll ever make it down a bunny hill without falling over. I also completely agree that nature is a way to connect with your friends and people should go outside and do things with friends more often.

  6. We actually agreed with a lot of the same things. Nature is really precious and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I went hiking and after this long hike I did with my enrichment program it allowed me to see the world differently and appreciate it more. But the technology part was so true. Sometimes putting that a side can help you mentally, physically, and emotionally in life and make life a bit greater.
